"The foundation of our society and our government rests so much on the teaching of the Bible that it would be difficult to support them if faith in these teachings would cease to be practically universal in our country." ~ Calvin Coolidge
This was the thinking of our highest elected official in the late 1920's. Contrast that with the thinking of our government officials today. They can say this country wasn't built on Christian morals and ethics if they want to, but I think it's obvious that the reason we are the greatest country in the world is because of our Christian heritage. God blesses those who love, honor and obey him.
I've always heard it said "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" and yet here we are trying to "fix" what ain't broke! The very things that made us great are being disposed of in the name of "progress". I believe in 20 years they'll see what a mistake they've made and wish they could go back, but won't be able to. We're going to "hell in a hand-basket" as a country, figuratively and literally! It grieves me to see my country being led down this humanistic, godless, morally bankrupt , no absolute truth, socialistic and liberal path.
To borrow a prayer from the Apostle John, "Even so; Come quickly, Lord Jesus."