James 1:3 says "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." The greek word translated endurance (or patience, in other versions) is hupomeno - a remaining behind, a patient enduring. So, James is telling us that when trials come, when our faith is being tested, one of the things God is trying to do for us is give us the ability to "hang in there"! I don't know about you, but when I encounter a trial in life the first thing I look for is the way out! But God wants us to be able to bear up under pressure. He knows we will need that ability sooner or later. He's always doing what is good for us, even when it may "feel" bad.
I believe the time is coming soon when Christians will really need to patiently endure some things. The world is changing and becoming increasingly hostile toward Christianity. But then, Jesus said that would happen, didn't He? Things are going to happen that will require us to patiently endure and I'm afraid many won't be able to. I pray that I will be able. I don't like trials; I don't enjoy uncomfortable things happening to me. But if God wants me to learn patient endurance and trials are the way to learn, then let it be.
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