

C.S. Lewis once said "God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world." It is unfortunate that God's children let things get to this extreme. But, it underlines just how much God loves us, that He would go to such lengths to get our attention.
I don't believe God ever causes pain, but I know that He uses pain. None of us are innocent, all have fallen short. There is no telling how many times God holds back judgment when we sin choosing instead to show us His mercy and grace. But sometimes, when we have lost our focus and are heading for dangerous territory, I believe He lets the repercussions of our sin catch up to us to awaken us to reality and teach us. I know He has with me. I'm not saying that all pain and suffering is God's chastisement or His teaching moment, but we need to check ourselves and make sure.
God could just let us wander off into the tall weeds of the world and get hopelessly lost, but He loves us too much for that. He loves us even when we forget how much we love Him! He holds onto us even when we get distracted and let go of Him!
God is the author of love and the author of tough love as well. He knows what we need and He knows how to get our attention. The Bible says "He will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee...", but when our minds stray and we wander off into danger, look out! The Good Shepherd, the Perfect Father will do whatever it takes to protect His child!

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