
The Proof is in the Pudding

Remember the old saying "The proof is in the pudding."? The saying means that in the end we'll know what the truth is. As human beings, we can't see the end from the beginning. We are bound by the laws of space and time. Many times what we believe at the beginning is proved to be untrue by the end result.
This is my answer to those who refuse to believe in God, Heaven, Hell and Jesus. I can witness to them, I can explain what I know to them, I can read them the Bible and I can tell them of my personal experiences. Some believe, some take my words into consideration and some refuse to even entertain the possibility of God, Heaven or Hell.
The proof is in the pudding. The day will come when we will all know for sure because we will all see with our own eyes. Unfortunately, it will be too late then to make a decision. The object of the exercise is "do you have faith to believe without the benefit of seeing?". Will you believe God just because He said so, or do you require sensory proof? God is looking for people who take Him at His word.
The proof is indeed in the pudding and the pudding is almost done. It's too late to believe once the end result is revealed. God is looking to see who can walk by faith, not by sight.


More Than That

"I fall to the ground
‘Cause I want to be better
Though You take me as I am
You deserve more than that"

"More than That" by Monk and Neagle

I love the last two verses of that chorus. It reminds me that, although God accepts me as I am, He deserves much more than I give Him. He deserves my everything. He deserves my absolute best. He deserves to be first in all things.
The Bible says "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord". Everything that has breath owes the Lord praise because He gave them breath. God has given us life and we are mistaken when we think that our lives are our own. He gave us life so that we could serve Him. If I gave you $100 and told you to go buy me a gift, but instead you bought something for yourself, you would be a thief. You would have stolen my money because you didn't use it for it's intended purpose. We are thieves when we use life to please ourselves instead of God.
We should always be striving to be better because God deserves the best. He wants us to be the best we can be and He has given us everything we need to grow and mature. He'll take us as we are, but He deserves more than that.


Real Peace

We Christians talk a lot about having the peace of God. But I have noticed that we don't always seem to live in that peace. Jesus said He left us His peace, but He commanded us to "walk in it". Living in peace is a matter of faith. Staying in peace is a matter of decision. Some people know that Jesus gave peace and they claim His peace by faith, but they never really decide that they will stay in it. It's hard to make a decision in the middle of hard times. Circumstances tend to blur our vision and make it easy for our flesh to control us. Make the decision now that when uncomfortable circumstances arise, you will walk in God's peace by faith and stay in His peace no matter what. And then stick with it!; Don't give up! Learn to rest in the peace of God. And this is His peace: knowing beyond a shadow of any doubt that His promises to you are true (the Bible say they are yes and amen) and He is well able (and willing) to take care of you through any trouble you may encounter. You can go through anything if you are confident that He is there with you, working out everything for your good! This is my favorite verse in those times: "This I will declare of the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety. He is my God and I am trusting in Him.".
A lot of people say they have faith and are walking in God's peace, but at the first sign of trouble, they throw up their hands in despair. Either that or they hold on for a while only to let fear talk them out of their peace. You can never walk in peace aside from faith and you certainly can't walk in faith if you give in to fear. Fear and faith can't exist together; one or the other will rule you.