

Who exactly are they and why do we let them tell us what to do? You know what they say, but why is what they say any more important than what any of us say? Why does someone in France get to tell the whole world what they should wear every year? Why does some TV show host get to tell us what books we should read? Why does some movie star get to tell us what we should think about abortion or gay rights or world affairs?
Peer pressure didn't stop after high school! We're still letting people pressure us into thinking like they think. We, as free people, need to start thinking for ourselves! What you think is just as important as what anybody else thinks!! You matter! I matter! Just because we're not famous or rich or "beautiful" doesn't mean we're ignorant or unimportant! We don't need some anyone to tell us what we like or what we should think!
It has always amazed me the way we hang on every word of some movie star as if we thought they were all-knowing gods. This same person was probably a waitress or garbage truck driver six months ago and no one cared what they thought about anything! But now that they're famous, suddenly they are omnipotent and whatever they wear, we should wear; whatever they eat, we should eat; whatever they think, we should think! How ridiculous! Shame on us!
You should wear whatever is comfortable and whatever you think looks good. You should eat whatever food you think tastes good and drink whatever brand of cola you think is best. You should read whatever book sounds interesting to you. You should watch whatever TV show or movie that you think you would enjoy. You should stand for whatever you decide in your own heart is worth standing up for. You should stand against whatever you decide in your own heart is wrong. You can do it!

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