Someone once said "If there is no God then nothing matters, but if there is a God, nothing else matters." That statement touches believers and non-believers alike. It gives us insight into things that are happening all around us these days.
If there is no God, nothing matters. The liberal thinkers in this great country are trying to convince our children that there is no God. Humanistic theories are in the newspapers, magazines and even schools books! Faith is belittled, people of faith are scorned and anyone who doesn't buy into the outright lie of evolution is condemned as ignorant, superstitious and maybe even dangerous! If there is no God, then nothing matters. If someone believes there is no God, no afterlife, no judgment or punishment in eternity, then what keeps them from killing 8 or 10 innocent people at a mall and then killing themselves?! They would be dead and therefore escape punishment from the judicial system and, since there is no God, they wouldn't be punished after their death and the bonus is that they go out with their faces plastered on every news show on every TV screen in the world! To someone who is dejected, depressed, mentally disturbed or just plain mean, what part of that scenario wouldn't sound inviting?! If you're tired of living and there's no God to answer to after death, why suffer here any longer when you can just kill yourself!; and why not take a few other folks with you just to show the world how unfair it's been to you! These liberal, would-be God-killers aren't killing God, but they're sure doing a number on society!
I'm not saying that we should use the fear of a non-existent, fairytale God or the fear of a non-existent, fairytale place called Hell as a crime deterrent. The fact is that there is a God and there is a Hell! I'm saying that when we tell people the truth about God, Heaven and Hell and final judgment, that knowledge will be a deterrent to crime! It is common knowledge that most people will not do something they know for sure they will be punished for doing! On the other hand, if there's no God, no Heaven or Hell, no life after death and no punishment for doing evil, then what difference does it make what we do?! If I kill you and you die, then I kill myself and I die and that's the end of it, so what? I'll be dead forever and you'll be dead forever and neither of us will be aware of it! If there is no God, then nothing matters!

If there is no God, nothing matters. The liberal thinkers in this great country are trying to convince our children that there is no God. Humanistic theories are in the newspapers, magazines and even schools books! Faith is belittled, people of faith are scorned and anyone who doesn't buy into the outright lie of evolution is condemned as ignorant, superstitious and maybe even dangerous! If there is no God, then nothing matters. If someone believes there is no God, no afterlife, no judgment or punishment in eternity, then what keeps them from killing 8 or 10 innocent people at a mall and then killing themselves?! They would be dead and therefore escape punishment from the judicial system and, since there is no God, they wouldn't be punished after their death and the bonus is that they go out with their faces plastered on every news show on every TV screen in the world! To someone who is dejected, depressed, mentally disturbed or just plain mean, what part of that scenario wouldn't sound inviting?! If you're tired of living and there's no God to answer to after death, why suffer here any longer when you can just kill yourself!; and why not take a few other folks with you just to show the world how unfair it's been to you! These liberal, would-be God-killers aren't killing God, but they're sure doing a number on society!
I'm not saying that we should use the fear of a non-existent, fairytale God or the fear of a non-existent, fairytale place called Hell as a crime deterrent. The fact is that there is a God and there is a Hell! I'm saying that when we tell people the truth about God, Heaven and Hell and final judgment, that knowledge will be a deterrent to crime! It is common knowledge that most people will not do something they know for sure they will be punished for doing! On the other hand, if there's no God, no Heaven or Hell, no life after death and no punishment for doing evil, then what difference does it make what we do?! If I kill you and you die, then I kill myself and I die and that's the end of it, so what? I'll be dead forever and you'll be dead forever and neither of us will be aware of it! If there is no God, then nothing matters!

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