

A wise man once said that God will always give you a say, but He will never give you a vote. God is the supreme ruler over everything, everywhere, all the time. And while He loves us and wants us to come talk with Him and express our desires, wants and needs, He makes all the decisions. Isn't strange how we come to God and ask for something and then proceed to tell Him how we want it done?
We live in the USA and since this is a democracy and democracy is good, we tend to forget that Heaven is not a democracy; God is not our president! God is our King! He is our supreme ruler and He rules over creation with righteousness, power and perfect wisdom. We don't have a vote in how things are done! We put our trust in the fact that our Sovereign God will always do what is right and good according to His perfect will!
I love the USA and I like the fact that I have a vote in how things go. But the only reason we need a democracy is because human rulers are not perfect; you can't trust them to be fair, impartial and righteous. Human beings are tempted with greed and lust and the more power they have, the stronger the temptations are. Since our King is not human, we can trust that He can't be tempted with these things (or anything) and therefore we are safe in His care.
I don't want a vote in the way the universes are run! I mess up my own little life enough already! I am glad that God is in charge and I trust Him with everything. I don't always understand what He does and sometimes I don't even like what He does, but His workings always turn out for my best!

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